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백댓의 업무노트

한국화이자제약(Pfizer Korea) · 오리온(Orion) · 안철수연구소(안랩) 등에서 영업·마케팅·홍보 담당 / 한국전기연구원(KERI) 홍보협력실장 역임 / 과학기술 홍보유공 과기정통부 장관 표창[2017], 과학기자협회 올해의 홍보인상[2013], 이달의 KERI인상[2012], 산업기술연구회 이사장 표창[2008], 산업보안관리사
블로그"백댓의 업무노트"에 대한 검색결과1423건
  • [비공개] [오늘의 영어표현]해내다/보류하다/~달려있다(pull it off/p..

    해내다: to manage to do or succeed in doing something difficult or unexpected.=I think you can pull it off without it.=It's an ambitious plan, so let's see if we can really pull it off.=The central bank has pulled off one of the biggest financial rescues of recent years.=(pull off a feat/miracle/deal) It takes skilled negotiators to pull off a deal like that. 미루다, 보류하다, 연기하다 (put sth on hold): If something is on hold, it is going to be done or dealt with at a later date rather than now; if you are on hold, you are waiting to talk to someone on the tel.......
    백댓의 업무노트|2019-04-03 10:52 am|추천


  • [비공개] [오늘의 영어표현]수다를 떨다/어떤 고생도 마다않다/혼자 겉도는 사람..

    수다를 떨다 ; to spend time talking about things that are not important.=We sat out on the porch, just shooting the breeze.=We used to spend every evening together just watching TV or taking long walks in the park and shoot the breeze. =He hated formal meetings with agendas, hierarchy and all the rest of it, but he liked to sit around in his bungalow and shoot the breeze over coffee in an informal laid back kind of way.(~하기 위해) 많은 애를 쓰다[어떤 고생도 마다하지 않다]: to try very hard or to do whatever is necessary to achieve something that is important to you (go to.......
    백댓의 업무노트|2019-03-28 12:20 pm|추천


  • [비공개] [오늘의 영어표현]긴밀하게 맺어진/누명씌우다/자금 등을 협력하다(a ..

    (거짓 증거로) 죄/누명를 뒤집어씌우다[주로 수동태/~ sb (for sth)](=fit up) =He says he was framed.=The best way to screw over an innocent guy is to frame him and put him in jail. ※특정방식으로 표현하다. You’ll have to be careful how you frame the question.※(아직) ~로 여겨지는/자격 있는. If someone is in the frame for something such as a job or position, They are being considered for it; likely to be awarded or to achieve=I'm in the frame for the top job=We need a win to keep us in the frame for the title.=It was an extremely important victory for us bec.......
    백댓의 업무노트|2019-03-21 07:17 pm|추천


  • [비공개] [오늘의 영어표현]터무니없는 이야기/엿 먹이다/고지식한 사람(tall..

    터무니없는 이야기(거짓말), 믿기 어려운 말: a long and complicated story that is difficult to believe because most of the events it describes seem unlikely or impossible.=Teen's tall tales of dating a star shock her friends.=He's always telling a tall tale. or He's always blowing his own trumpet.엿먹이다(slang. 골탕먹이다, 속이다, 배신하다) : Deliberately putting someone in an unfavorable situation that he/she would not like.=He screwed me over by not putting my name on the report. =The best way to screw over an innocent guy is to frame him and put him in .......
    백댓의 업무노트|2019-03-21 01:57 pm|추천


  • [비공개] [오늘의 영어표현] 이간질하다/밥맛 떨어지게 하다 외(drive a ..

    이간시키다, 사이를 틀어지게 하다 : to cause disagreement or anger between (people who had been friendly before); to cause people to oppose one another or turn against one another. I don’t want to drive a wedge between the two of you.Iraq's attempt to drive a wedge between Britain and the United States is being spearheaded by its foreign minister.It doesn't make sense to let things that happened in the past drive a wedge between us now.I used to be close friends with Tiffany, but once she started dating my ex-boyfriend, it really drove a wedge between us.A fight over their parents&#x.......
    백댓의 업무노트|2019-03-19 06:24 pm|추천


  • [비공개] [오늘의 영어표현] 가슴골/치근대다/계산대에서 계산하다 외(cleav..

    가슴골(여성), 벌어진 골/틈: A sharp division; a split. or the narrow space between a woman's breasts, that is seen when she wears a piece of clothing that does not cover the top of them=Holly and Bridget checked their cleavages and rearranged their hair.=She wore a dress that exposed an inch or two of cleavage.=Clare was wearing a low-cut dress that showed off her cleavage.=At the checkout counter I noticed the clerk had a tattoo in the cleavage of her breasts. I could see it because of her low-cut blouse.=There is a sharp cleavage between people and governments.......
    백댓의 업무노트|2019-03-15 02:54 pm|추천


  • [비공개] [오늘의 영어표현] 재량권/흉금을 털어놓다 외(leeway/make ..

    재량권, ~할 자유: freedom to act within particular limits (sometimes additional time or money) or an allowable margin of freedom or variation.=Local councils will be given some leeway as to how they implement the legislation.=Homeowners need some leeway to buy a new house after they sell the old one.=My current boss gives me much more leeway.=The new rules allow managers greater leeway in making decisions.=They give their students leeway to try new things.=You will be given some leeway in choosing how to carry out the project. [Syn] latitude, slack, space, wiggl.......
    백댓의 업무노트|2019-03-14 06:54 pm|추천


  • [비공개] [오늘의 영어표현] 자청해서~하다(Take it upon yourse..

    자청해서~하다: (take it upon yourself to do sth) to accept responsibility for doing something without being asked to=He took it upon himself to personally thank each person at the meeting.=Reg took it upon himself to hand the press a list of names.=Tina was watching my grandson, while my daughter, Lila, worked, and she had taken it upon herself to potty train the boy, although nobody asked her to. = She took it upon herself to help and give advice to him=Mr. Herbert Morgan took it upon himself to act as chairman of an unofficial committee to help realise the three-ye.......
    백댓의 업무노트|2019-03-13 04:08 pm|추천


  • [비공개] [오늘의 영어표현] 뒷통수 맞다/음식재료 물기를 빼다/애써 참다(bl..

    뒷통수 맞다(속다/기습으로 당하다)He lied to me...I was blindsided.We were all blindsided by the news of her sudden death. The quarterback was blindsided just as he was about to throw a pass. Their car was blindsided by a bus at the intersection. (모욕감이나 화를) 애써 참다, 보복하지 않고 참다: To accept mistreatment without retaliating or seeking revenge.=I know it's frustrating, but it's often best to turn the other cheek. Fighting won't solve the problem.=Yes, he was very rude to me, but I know he's not well, so I turned the other cheek.=When Bob got mad .......
    백댓의 업무노트|2019-03-12 05:36 pm|추천


  • [비공개] [오늘의 영어표현]가족유대감/~하려 애쓰다/배수로(family bon..

    유대감/끈끈한 관계: a close connection joining two or more people=my ex-husband and my son have a very strong bond. I believe the bond is even stronger than what he has with his biological father.=There has been a close bond between them ever since she saved him from drowning.=In societies with strong family bonds (= relationships), people tend to live longer.=(v)The hospital gives mothers no quiet private time in which to bond with their babies. cf. 보석금=The judge ordered that he post a $10,000 bond pending his appeal of the verdict. =He was released on $5.......
    백댓의 업무노트|2019-03-12 05:22 pm|추천


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