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백댓의 업무노트

한국화이자제약(Pfizer Korea) · 오리온(Orion) · 안철수연구소(안랩) 등에서 영업·마케팅·홍보 담당 / 한국전기연구원(KERI) 홍보협력실장 역임 / 과학기술 홍보유공 과기정통부 장관 표창[2017], 과학기자협회 올해의 홍보인상[2013], 이달의 KERI인상[2012], 산업기술연구회 이사장 표창[2008], 산업보안관리사
블로그"백댓의 업무노트"에 대한 검색결과1423건
  • [비공개] [오늘의 영어표현]비밀로 해두다/죄책감/신경 써주다(keep it u..

    (당분간) 비밀로 해두다: to keep something secret· He keeps his romance under wraps because of age gap.· Next year’s collection is still being kept under wraps.· We kept the plan under wraps until the end of the election.· The bids were submitted in May and were kept under wraps until October.· But in the interests of security we are keeping the information under wraps.· Ford's new range of cars is being kept firmly under wraps until the Geneva auto show.· Which is why, if you've got a bad temper, you probably do your utmost to keep it under wraps.· It's been suggested the repor.......
    백댓의 업무노트|2019-03-08 01:11 pm|추천


  • [비공개] [오늘의 영어표현]호구취급받다/억눌린 감정(울분)/원상회복시키다(re..

    호구, 당하고도 가만히 있는 사람 / 동네북: Someone who is treated badly by other people and does not complain.• treat a person like a doormat. 학대하다• act like a doormat 바보처럼 당하고만 있다• You decide your worth, don’t be a doormat.• I was a doormat for my boyfriend for our entire relationship.• You should accept the way you are at the moment, and not be a doormat, not let other people walk all over you.• she will have to quit trying to ingratiate herself with the boys and act more like a parent than a doormat, which means she will have to institute consequences when her sons misbe.......
    백댓의 업무노트|2019-03-05 06:16 pm|추천


  • [비공개] 걷어차인 문짝도 홍보에 활용...발상의 전환

    과연 우리나라라면 이런 생각을 했을까![스타뉴스] '박지성 동점골 그후...' 라커룸 문을 '쾅!' 걷어찬 전설 '지단'
    백댓의 업무노트|2019-03-02 09:43 pm|추천


  • [비공개] [오늘의 영어표현]구내매점/만고불변의 원칙/호도하다(concessio..

    ☞구내매점(가판대)/(더 큰 건물이나 상점 내부의) 영업장소 • Someone broke into a ballpark concession stand and stole merchandise worth $200.• Refreshments will be available at the concession stand throughout the day.• Very few moviegoers buy nothing at all from the concession stand.cf. consession : 양보/양해, 인정(승복), 권리/혜택, 영업권 ☞만고불변의 원칙 (invariable and inflexible rule)• Decision by the majority is the invariable principle of democracy.• I am not suggesting that that is an invariable rule.cf. invariably (without fail)• This acute infection of the brain is almost i.......
    백댓의 업무노트|2019-02-28 03:47 pm|추천


  • [비공개] [오늘의 영어표현]김칫국부터 마시다/즉석의(충동적인)/~에 통제를 잃..

    김칫국부터 마시다, 섣불리[경솔하게]행동하다 : do something too soon and act too hastily:=It's practical advice, and those who follow it usually have fewer regrets than those who jump the gun.="How did the interview go yesterday with that applicant?" "It went well. I hired him on the spot.""Wait…already? Aren’t you jumping the gun on the hiring process?"=They've only just met - isn't it jumping the gun to be talking about marriage already?즉석의, 충동적인 : used to say that a decision, action, etc. is sudden and done without an.......
    백댓의 업무노트|2019-02-27 06:00 pm|추천


  • [비공개] [오늘의 영어표현]단숨에 사로잡다/비밀을 말해주다/인기를 가로채다(t..

    ~(의 마음)을 단숨에 사로잡다(대성공을 거두다) / 기습하여 사로잡다 : be extremely successful very quickly in a particular place or among particular people, or to take control of a place using force and violence=Jazz took London and Paris by storm in the 1920s.=You must have heard of the blockbuster film, Crazy Rich Asians, which took the film industry by storm this summer.~에게 비밀을 말해주다. ~에 끼워주다 [let sb in on~]: Participating or involved in something, often something secret or exclusive. =I let her in on the secret to my success.=Mary and Jane know a secret, .......
    백댓의 업무노트|2019-02-26 06:03 pm|추천


  • [비공개] [오늘의 영어표현]물려받은 옷/신경 거슬리게 하다/곤혹스런 상황에 놓..

    물려받은 옷 : a piece of clothing given to a younger family member or friend because the person who owns it no longer wants it or it no longer fits=I got fed up with having to wear my sister's hand-me-downs.=Claudia had three older sisters, so she wore a lot of hand-me-downs.신경을 거슬리다. 초초하게 하다(grate[get, jar] on a person's nerves) =Gum-Chewing Grates on Co-Worker's Nerves=After a while her voice really started to grate on me.=It's the way she's always talking about herself - it just grates on me.cf. to rub food against a grate.......
    백댓의 업무노트|2019-02-25 05:35 pm|추천


  • [비공개] [오늘의 영어표현]시비거는/물리력 동원 전술/조금도 과장않고(a ch..

    쉽게 화를 내는, 예민한 반응을 보이는 / 시비조의 : to seem angry all the time because you think you have been treated unfairly or feel you are not as good as other people. =Our son has a chip on his shoulder and an "I don't care attitude" about many things. =He's got a chip on his shoulder about not having been to university.=David isn’t talking to me today because we got into a small argument yesterday and he still has a chip on his shoulder.가혹한/냉정한, 물리적인 힘을 행사하는, 과용하는: using too much force in dealing with someone or done in an unne.......
    백댓의 업무노트|2019-02-22 04:03 pm|추천


  • [비공개] [오늘의 영어표현]개최하다/용두사미의/충격을 줘~하게 하다(play ..

    개최하다. 개최지가 되다. =In this regards, we are pleased to announce that Yangon, Myanmar will play host to the 5th Myanmar Green Energy Summit (MGES 2017) from August 14th – 15th, 2017 in conjunction with the “Sustainable Energy and Water Resources Management Week” at Sule Shangri-La Hotel, Yangon, Myanmar.(결말이) 실망스러운, 김 빠지는 / 용두사미의 : causing unhappiness by being less exciting than expected or not as interesting as something that happened earlier (it describes a situation which has a fancy climax but with a simple ending.) =The ending of this movie was very .......
    백댓의 업무노트|2019-02-21 05:44 pm|추천


  • [비공개] [오늘의 영어표현]정신적 지주(핵심)/살짝 데치다/(음식을)뚝딱 만들..

    정신적 지주(중심인물/핵심)=Who could be more important than Master Li? He is the anchor of this town, and none question his wisdom.=Cold chile noodles, often served as a side dish, can be the anchor of a meal that guests assemble themselves. (음식)살짝 데치다 / (창백)핼쑥해지다=Add-ons include, from left, fresh herbs, citrusy cabbage, and vegetables that are blanched, roasted or raw. cf. You will not blanch over your mistake, will you? 적당히 얼버무리다. 서둘러 준비하다. 뚝딱 만들다. (throw sth together): to make or produce something roughly or quickly, often with thin.......
    백댓의 업무노트|2019-02-20 05:19 pm|추천


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