블로그"Zero Sum Game"에 대한 검색결과161건
  • [비공개] Case Study: When expertise is applied ..

    The story Novartis, the Swiss healthcare company, is one of the world’s biggest makers of anti-malaria drugs. Through its Novartis Malaria Initiative, it has provided more than 500m Coartem treatments at cost to help make the drug available to people wh..
    Zero Sum Game|2013-02-07 10:19 am|추천


  • [비공개] Case Study: When expertise is applied ..

    The storyNovartis, the Swiss healthcare company, is one of the world’s biggest makers of anti-malaria drugs. Through its Novartis Malaria Initiative, it has provided more than 500m Coartem treatments at cost to help make the drug available to people who c..
    Zero Sum Game|2013-02-07 10:19 am|추천


  • [비공개] Case Study: Microsoft Lync’s bottom-up..

    The story Software is developed at Microsoft through a carefully orchestrated process involving lots of skilled people: the Windows 8 Operating System was reported to involve 35 different development teams of 25-40 people each, for example. As director ..
    Zero Sum Game|2013-02-07 10:16 am|추천


  • [비공개] Case Study: Microsoft Lync’s bot..

    The storySoftware is developed at Microsoft through a carefully orchestrated process involving lots of skilled people: the Windows 8 Operating System was reported to involve 35 different development teams of 25-40 people each, for example.As director of t..
    Zero Sum Game|2013-02-07 10:16 am|추천


  • [비공개] Case Study: How to build a low-cost br..

    The story Bharti Airtel was founded in 1995 in order to enter the mobile phone market opened up by India’s deregulation of telecommunications. It was aimed at rural and poor families who had no access to phone services and, with an average per capita in..
    Zero Sum Game|2013-01-15 08:28 pm|추천


  • [비공개] Case Study: How to build a low-cost br..

    The storyBharti Airtel was founded in 1995 in order to enter the mobile phone market opened up by India’s deregulation of telecommunications. It was aimed at rural and poor families who had no access to phone services and, with an average per capita incom..
    Zero Sum Game|2013-01-15 08:28 pm|추천


  • [비공개] The Case Study: Developing a salesforc..

    The story When Mary Kay Ash set up her eponymous cosmetics company in Texas in 1963, her intention was that its “independent beauty consultants”, as the salesforce are known, could combine earning their own living with family life. They would sell produ..
    Zero Sum Game|2013-01-09 11:10 am|추천


  • [비공개] The Case Study: Developing a salesforc..

    The storyWhen Mary Kay Ash set up her eponymous cosmetics company in Texas in 1963, her intention was that its “independent beauty consultants”, as the salesforce are known, could combine earning their own living with family life. They would sell products..
    Zero Sum Game|2013-01-09 11:10 am|추천


  • [비공개] The Case Study: Atlassian’s crowdsourc..

    The story Atlassian, a 10-year-old Australian company that makes project management tools for software developers, adopted a policy of transparency from the outset. One of its slogans is “Open company, no bullshit”. Customers are even encouraged to prov..
    Zero Sum Game|2012-12-18 11:28 am|추천


  • [비공개] The Case Study: Atlassian’s crow..

    The storyAtlassian, a 10-year-old Australian company that makes project management tools for software developers, adopted a policy of transparency from the outset. One of its slogans is “Open company, no bullshit”. Customers are even encouraged to provide..
    Zero Sum Game|2012-12-18 11:28 am|추천


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