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머니 바이블

공인회계사.세무사,CEO.작가.투자가. 성경 재정 전도사. <유튜브> 머니 바이블 Money Bible
블로그"머니 바이블"에 대한 검색결과14919건

    Inventory days measures the number of days inventory stays in the system. Inventory turns, the other inventory measure, is a measure of how many times inventory turns over in a year. So long as you have enough inventory on hand to meet customer demands, the more efficient you can be, hte better. In 2002 Target Stores had inventory turns of 6.5 - a pretty good nummber for a big retailer. But Wat-Mart's turns were 8.1, even better. In the retail business, a difference in the inventory turnover ratio can cpell the difference between success and failure.......
    머니 바이블|2009-08-31 12:17 pm|추천



    Most bankers aren't going to lend money to a company with a current ratio anywhere near 1.Less than 1, of course, is way toolow, regardless of how much cash you have in the bank. With a current ratio of less than 1, you know you're going to run short of cash sometime during the next year unless you can find a way of generationg more cash or attracting more from investors. A current ratio is too high when it suggests to shareholders that the company is sitting on its cash. Microsoft, for example, had amassed a cash horde of nearly $60 billio.......
    머니 바이블|2009-08-31 10:51 am|추천



    The ratio show a how easy it will be for the company to pay its interest. There's a wonderful little invention called an operationg lease, for instance, which is widely used in the airline industry and others. Rather than buying equipment such as an airplane outrigth, a company leases if form an investor. The lease payments count as an expense on the income statement, but there is no asset and no debt related to that asset on a company's book. Some companies that are already overleveraged are willing to pay a premium to lease equipment &nbs.......
    머니 바이블|2009-08-31 10:32 am|추천


  • [비공개] What's a good debt-to-equity ratio?

    What's a good debt-to-equity ratio? As with most ratios, the answer depends on the industry. But many, many companies have a debt-to-equity ration considerably larger than 1 - that is, they have more debt than equity. Since the interest on debt is deductible from a company's taxable income, plenty of companies use debt to finance at least a part of their business. In fact, companies with particularly low debt-to-equity ratios may be targets for a leveraged buyout, in which management or other investors use debt to b.......
    머니 바이블|2009-08-31 10:16 am|추천



    From an investor's perspective, ROE is a key ratio. Depending on interest rates, an investor can probably earn 3 percent or 4 percent on a treasury bond, which is essentially a risk-free investment. So if someone is going to put money into a company, he'll want a substantially higher return on his equity. ROE doesn't specify how much cash he'll ultimately get out of the company, since that depends on the company's decision about dividend payments and on how much the stock price appreciates until he sells. But it's a good indication of whet.......
    머니 바이블|2009-08-31 10:05 am|추천



    Every business puts assets to work: cash, facilities, machinery, equipment, vehicles, inventory, whatever. A manufacturing company may have a lot of capital tied up in plant and equipment. The total assets figure shows how many dollars, in whatever form, are being utilized in the business to generate profit. ROA simply shows how effective the company is at using those assets to generate profit. An ROA that is considerably above the industry norm may suggest that the company isn't renewing its asset base for the future - that is it isn't i.......
    머니 바이블|2009-08-31 09:57 am|추천


  • [비공개] Operating Profit Margin Percentage

    Operating margin can be a key metric for managers to watch, and not just because many companies tie bonus payments to operating margin targets. The reason is that nonfinancial managers don't have much control over the other items -interest and taxes-that are ultimately subtracted to get net profit margin. So operating margin is a good indicator of how well managers as a group are doing their jobs. A downward trend line in operating margin should be a flashing yellow light. It shows that costs and expenses are rising faster than sales, wh.......
    머니 바이블|2009-08-31 09:44 am|추천


  • [비공개] 고객을 이해하기 위한 최선의, 그리고 유일한 방법은 기업의 '최전방'..

    1970년 일본 오사카에서 열린 세계 엑스포. TV를 통해 엑스포를 시청하던 사람들은 깜짝 놀랐습니다. 행사 기간 동안 760만 명이 방문할 정도로 혼잡한 마쓰시타 파빌리온 입구에 입장을 기다리며 줄을 서 있는 마쓰시타 고노스케 회장이보였기 때문이었습니다. 당시 그의 나이는 75세였습니다. 직원들이 깜짝 놀라 뛰어 나왔고, 그는 이렇게 말했습니다. "사람들이 입장하려면 얼마나 오래 기다려야 하는지 직접 체험해봐야겠다고 생각했을 뿐이오." BT의 벤 버바이엔도 흥미로운 일화를 갖고 있습니다. 그는 자신의 이메일 주소를 공개하고 고객의 질의에 직.......
    머니 바이블|2009-08-31 05:36 am|추천


  • [비공개] 고객들이 무슨 생각을 하는지 이해하기 위한 가장 좋은 방법은 최전방,..

    고객들이 무슨 생각을 하는지 이해하기 위한 가장 좋은 방법은 최전방, 즉 카운터 뒤로 가보는 것이다. 브리티시항공의 보브 마샬은 정기적으로 체크인 카운터 뒤로 가서 이 최전방을 확인하곤 했다. 벤 버바이엔은 하루는 콜 센터에서 시간을 보내 봤다고 했다. "나는 스크립트가 있어도 전화 응대를 할 수 없다는 것을 깨달았다. 콜센터 근무자들에 대한 존경심이 커지게 되었다 - 마크 토마스 외 'The Complete Ceo (Paperback) - The Executive's Guide to Consistent Peak Performance'
    머니 바이블|2009-08-31 05:35 am|추천


  • [비공개] '엄마는 그래도 되는 줄 알았습니다

    엄마는 그래도 되는 줄 알았습니다 하루 종일 밭에서 죽어라 힘들게 일해도 엄마는 그래도 되는 줄 알았습니다 찬밥 한 덩이로 대충 부뚜막에 앉아 점심을 때워도 엄마는 그래도 되는 줄 알았습니다 한겨울 냇물에서 맨손으로 빨래를 방망이질해도 엄마는 그래도 되는 줄 알았습니다 배부르다 생각 없다 식구들 다 먹이고 굶어도 엄마는 그래도 되는 줄 알았습니다 발 뒤꿈치 다 헤져 이불이 소리를 내도 엄마는 그래도 되는 줄 알았습니다 손톱이 깎을 수조차 없이 닳고 문드러져도 엄마는 그래도 되는 줄 알았습니다 아버지가 화내고 자식들이 속썩여도 끄떡없는 엄마는 그래도 되는 줄 알았습니다 외할머니 보고싶다 외할머니 보고싶다그것.......
    머니 바이블|2009-08-31 05:24 am|추천


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