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검색 마케팅 이야기

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  • [비공개] [퍼옴] 대박 1인 2역 흑익영어의 결정판

    이런... 웃겨서 뒤집어 졌습니다. ^ ^ ㅋ
    검색 마케팅 이야기|2007-08-27 09:23 am|추천


  • [비공개] [퍼옴] 대박 1인 2역 흑익영어의 결정판

    이런... 웃겨서 뒤집어 졌습니다. ^ ^ ㅋ
    검색 마케팅 이야기|2007-08-27 09:23 am|추천


  • [비공개] 구글 재방송 사업까지 진출하는가? [영문]

    - 영문 번역 요약 필요 - Google unveils video service dealCompany inks pact with Media Rights CapitalBy STEVEN ZEITCHIK MacFarlaneSymoneGoogle has announced one of the first deals in its ambitious video-syndication service.Company has inked a pact with film-financier Media Rights Capital under which "Family Guy" creator Seth MacFarlane and Disney Channel star Raven-Symone will create original content that Google will syndicate across the Web.MRC has made the talent deals and is funding the content; Google will distribute the content, which will be embedded on Web sites as free, ad-s.......
    검색 마케팅 이야기|2007-08-21 03:59 pm|추천


  • [비공개] 구글 재방송 사업까지 진출하는가? [영문]

    - 영문 번역 요약 필요 - Google unveils video service dealCompany inks pact with Media Rights CapitalBy STEVEN ZEITCHIK MacFarlaneSymone Google has announced one of the first deals in its ambitious video-syndication service.Company has inked a pact with film-financier Media Rights Capital under which "Family Guy" creator Seth MacFarlane and Disney Channel star Raven-Symone will create original content that Google will syndicate across the Web.MRC has made the talent deals and is funding the content; Google will distribute the content, which will be embedded on Web sites as free, ad-supported st.......
    검색 마케팅 이야기|2007-08-21 03:59 pm|추천


  • [비공개] 구글 재방송 사업까지 진출하는가? [영문]

    - 영문 번역 요약 필요 - Google unveils video service dealCompany inks pact with Media Rights CapitalBy STEVEN ZEITCHIK MacFarlaneSymone Google has announced one of the first deals in its ambitious video-syndication service.Company has inked a pact with film-financier Media Rights Capital under which "Family Guy" creator Seth MacFarlane and Disney Channel star Raven-Symone will create original content that Google will syndicate across the Web.MRC has made the talent deals and is funding the content; Google will distribute the content, which will be embedded on Web sites as free, ad-supported st.......
    검색 마케팅 이야기|2007-08-21 03:59 pm|추천


  • [비공개] 구글 재방송 사업까지 진출하는가? [영문]

    - 영문 번역 요약 필요 - Google unveils video service dealCompany inks pact with Media Rights CapitalBy STEVEN ZEITCHIK MacFarlaneSymone Google has announced one of the first deals in its ambitious video-syndication service.Company has inked a pact with film-financier Media Rights Capital under which "Family Guy" creator Seth MacFarlane and Disney Channel star Raven-Symone will create original content that Google will syndicate across the Web.MRC has made the talent deals and is funding the content; Google will distribute the content, which will be embedded on Web sites as free, ad-supported st.......
    검색 마케팅 이야기|2007-08-21 03:59 pm|추천


  • [비공개] Behavioral Marketing – 개인화 스마트 광고 시스템

    Behavioral Marketing – 개인화 스마트 광고 시스템 Yahoo Debuts Behavior-Based Advertising with SmartAdshttp://searchengineland.com/070815-091829.php Aug. 15, 2007 at 9:18am Eastern by Greg Sterling> The Wall Street Journal explores Yahoo's recently debuted "SmartAds", which mix behavioral targeting with other forms of targeting and dynamic elements to deliver a reportedly better response to display advertisers. The new ad platform was tested in Yahoo Travel and reportedly performed well (2x to 3x CTRs of normal display ads) and will be rolled out to other areas of the.......
    검색 마케팅 이야기|2007-08-17 10:01 am|추천


  • [비공개] Behavioral Marketing – 개인화 스마트 광고 시스템

    Behavioral Marketing – 개인화 스마트 광고 시스템 Yahoo Debuts Behavior-Based Advertising with SmartAdshttp://searchengineland.com/070815-091829.php Aug. 15, 2007 at 9:18am Eastern by Greg Sterling> The Wall Street Journal explores Yahoo's recently debuted "SmartAds", which mix behavioral targeting with other forms of targeting and dynamic elements to deliver a reportedly better response to display advertisers. The new ad platform was tested in Yahoo Travel and reportedly performed well (2x to 3x CTRs of normal display ads) and will be rolled out to other areas of the Yahoo site over t.......
    검색 마케팅 이야기|2007-08-17 10:01 am|추천


  • [비공개] Behavioral Marketing – 개인화 스마트 광고 시스템

    Behavioral Marketing – 개인화 스마트 광고 시스템 Yahoo Debuts Behavior-Based Advertising with SmartAdshttp://searchengineland.com/070815-091829.php Aug. 15, 2007 at 9:18am Eastern by Greg Sterling> The Wall Street Journal explores Yahoo's recently debuted "SmartAds", which mix behavioral targeting with other forms of targeting and dynamic elements to deliver a reportedly better response to display advertisers. The new ad platform was tested in Yahoo Travel and reportedly performed well (2x to 3x CTRs of normal display ads) and will be rolled out to other areas of the Yahoo site over t.......
    검색 마케팅 이야기|2007-08-17 10:01 am|추천


  • [비공개] Behavioral Marketing – 개인화 스마트 광고 시스템

    Behavioral Marketing – 개인화 스마트 광고 시스템 Yahoo Debuts Behavior-Based Advertising with SmartAdshttp://searchengineland.com/070815-091829.php Aug. 15, 2007 at 9:18am Eastern by Greg Sterling> The Wall Street Journal explores Yahoo's recently debuted "SmartAds", which mix behavioral targeting with other forms of targeting and dynamic elements to deliver a reportedly better response to display advertisers. The new ad platform was tested in Yahoo Travel and reportedly performed well (2x to 3x CTRs of normal display ads) and will be rolled out to other areas of the Yahoo site over t.......
    검색 마케팅 이야기|2007-08-17 10:01 am|추천


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