
사회적기업가 날개달아주기

블로그"사회적기업가 날개달아주기"에 대한 검색결과114건
  • [비공개] Women’s Creative World

    Women’s Creative WorldSocial Mission & Purpose Mission : to create continuous employment and improve the livesof low-income groupsObjective: to become the first social enterprise in Korea offeringqualified goods and serviceCountry or Area of Focus Busan, other cities in Gyeongsangnam-do, KoreaProduce environmentally friendly goodOperating two businesses formed by women in Women’s Creative WorldStrengths- Sensitive marketing based on the strong points of women- Specialized business forcesCare department : more than 80% of care givers have certificates for social welfare or careservicesFood department : more than 50% of cooks have certificates for nutrition and cookingAchievements- Care department : trying to restore local communities through long-term volunteering for theneglected within the community- Food department : being recognized for quality lunch boxes and Korean glutinous rice crackerscooked in oil in BusanProducing more eco-friendly goods using pro-environment raw materi..
    사회적기업가 날개달아주기|2012-04-20 05:34 pm|추천


  • [비공개] Social Service Center Co

    Social Service Center CoSocial Mission & Purpose - Trying to offer positive human-related social services- Creating an alternative, sustainable economy to allow villageresidents to enjoy good living conditions- Helping each other and sharing together- Trying to improve working conditions to encourage employees toworkCountry or Area of FocusCheongju-si, Cheongwon-gun, Jincheon-gun, Jeungpyeong-eup inChungcheongbuk-do (4 cities in 1 province)- Developing and offering care services in an environmentally friendly way- Distributing eco-friendly tips to suppliers and users- Improving health conditions of care givers with an environmentally friendly service- Taking responsibility for conserving the earth through eco-friendly activities- Strong market competitiveness:We were founded and operate independently without the support from the government, so wehave a strong desire and ability to survive in the market- Excellent work force:We have several professional care givers to offer better ser..
    사회적기업가 날개달아주기|2012-04-20 05:30 pm|추천


  • [비공개] Sejong supporters´ association Co-supp..

    Sejong supporters´ associationCo-support Center for the Disabled Child (SCCDC)Social Mission & PurposeAiming to become independent through the power of thecommunity, offering services which assist severely handicappedchildren throughout their livesCountry or Area of Focus - Anyang-si, Goyang-si, and Ansan-si in Gyeonggi-do, KoreaWe are willing to improve the quality of the lives of the disabled by creating an ecological farm atthe Blue Spring Village, sharing eco-friendly experiences and healthy ingredients- We operate the caring services and programs for the disabled during the dead angle time zone(daybreak, night, weekend, etc.) of the public welfare service- We help low-income groups in the community to become financially independent by offeringjobs and helping handicapped children’s familes inaugurate family enterprises- Offering different services for handicapped children as they grow up, such as education, jobtraining, health managing, etc.- Helping handicapped children to i..
    사회적기업가 날개달아주기|2012-04-20 05:26 pm|추천


  • [비공개] Organization YORI

    Organization YORISocial Mission & PurposeTo teach cook skills and to create social jobs for the selfindependenceof the disadvantaged, such as matriarchs,juveniles, the disabled, or married female immigrantsCountry or Area of Focus Expanding to all of Korea starting with Seoul- Practical goals for the environment as a food enterprise: suggestion of a pro-environmentalmenu which contains fresh ingredients (no MSG), and the minimization of food waste- Intrinsic goals for the environment: the provision of healthy and safe food, and the realization ofa workplace where workers are able to learn and enjoy working- Baking workshop for career planning and self-independence of disabled juveniles (March 2008~ Present): we held a baking workshop as a part of vocational experiences and education whichare needed for career planning for disabled students in the second grade of Seonyoo HighSchool near Yongdungpo. This workshop has not only the significant meaning of offering anopportunity to experie..
    사회적기업가 날개달아주기|2012-04-20 05:22 pm|추천


  • [비공개] NORIDAN

    NORIDANSocial Mission & PurposeTo revive things that are discardedTo change the world with what we are willing to doCountry or Area of Focus Seoul, South Korea1. To increase residents’ recognition of the concept of being pro-environment by making musicalinstruments out of recycled industrial waste in the consumer-focused era, and developingattractive performances and educational content2. To cope with common crises arising from the depletion of energy by developing man-poweritems with the goal of reduced CO2 and a green earth.1. Pioneering of the blue-ocean market, which provides attractive goods and cultural art servicesby recycling industrial materials and living supplies2. Constructing a one-source, multi-use business model by connecting performance, educationand design businesses3. Contributing to decreasing youth-unemployment by staffing over 50% of the entire firm withyouths in their 20s4. Building a global network among overseas social enterprises by continuous connections5...
    사회적기업가 날개달아주기|2012-04-20 04:24 pm|추천


  • [비공개] Heuksalim

    HeuksalimSocial Mission & PurposeTo develop an exchange-cooperating model which circulatesresources between cities and rural areas, and to expand schoolmeals with local foods by using local pro-environmentalagricultural productsCountry or Area of Focus Chungcheongbuk-do (province)To revitalize soil, agriculture, and the environment-We founded Heuksalim laboratory in 1991 for improving agricultural conditions when farmersand professional researchers used foreign micro-organic materials for organic agriculture-We expanded our research facilities and built cooperative relationships with farmers, forscientific change and the distribution of systematic pro-environmental agricultural techniques- Our devoted efforts to realize the slogan of “scientific pro-environmental agriculture”encouraged farmers to become leaders in organic farming, which had lots of difficulties frominferior agricultural techniques-We played an important role in resolving the difficulties of farmers who were aimin..
    사회적기업가 날개달아주기|2012-04-20 02:56 pm|추천


  • [비공개] COMWIN

    COMWINSocial Mission & PurposePioneering raw material production within cities by recycling usedelectronic goods and materials, and creating jobs for thedisadvantagedCountry or Area of Focus Gyeonggi-do (province)Reduce costs for environmental development by recycling all materialsDiminish environmental pollution through adequate management− Secured an adequate management process of recycling computers, printers, and usedcartridges− Donated approximately 1,500 computers to disadvantaged groups over a 5 year period− Received a prize from the Korean Prime Minister− Operated an education/culture/science center and a PC service center in Mongolia, and signed an MOU for supplying PCs− Partnership with private companies; SAMSUNG and HP− Provides appropriate handling solutions for each product and submits a report on the processresults− Submits profit records and business results to ENVICO (Korea Environment & Resources Corporation) and gets confirmation of business capabiliti..
    사회적기업가 날개달아주기|2012-04-20 02:25 pm|추천


  • [비공개] FairTradeKorea.co.ltd

    FairTradeKorea.co.ltd Social Mission & PurposeAs a social enterprise leading fair trade in Korea, we contribute tobuilding a sustainable society as we trade clothes and goodsmade by poor women in Asia, and support their economicindependence.Country or Area of Focus Nepal, Bangladesh, India, Laos- For the alternative development of poor countries, we put price-premium on the products whichuse eco-friendly traditional ways of manufacturing and promote the purchase of them- We accept the ‘protection of the environment and health’ principle, and apply environmentalguidelines in every stage of product manufacturing and selling.- We make fair trade with 20 organizations centered on woman in Nepal and Bangladesh mainly,and other countries such as India, Laos, and Peru- Even though we have only a small amount of trade for now, we make equal partnerships withlocal producing women and give them job securely.- We have a supporting producers project; supporting child care center’s operatin..
    사회적기업가 날개달아주기|2012-04-20 02:04 pm|추천


  • 미리보기 이미지

    [비공개] Halfproject : Share a part of your eve..

    Halfproject Share a part of your everyday life. Halfproject is a social venture that aims to help consumers perceive giving to charity differently. We champion the idea of giving on a small scale through everyday common purchases, instead of large annual gifts that require more financial commitment. Halfproject is a medium that consumers who have unconsciously and habitually purchased products can use to easily make donations. By producing goods that are 1/2 of the original product and have the same price as the original, consumers can purchase Halfproject goods and share half of the profits with the poor. Halfproject, a new concept of social campaigning Halfproject, a New Concept of Social Campaign! Through partnerships with business enterprises and NGOs, we design concepts and packaging for 1/2-cut goods and sell them at the same price as the original ones. The monetary value gained from the other half is used for various social services to help the needy through NGOs. ..
    사회적기업가 날개달아주기|2012-03-28 04:16 pm|추천


  • 미리보기 이미지

    [비공개] Touch4Good : Giving People New Minds, ..

    Touch4Good Giving People New Minds, Changing Waste to New Products Touch4Good initiated up-cycling by facing the unpleasant truth that banners are being used everywhere and buried under the land thoughtlessly. Up-cycling, is the smart recycling practice of converting waste material into products of greater value. The company is converting waste material or useless products such as abandoned banners and advertisement boards at subway stations into new materials or products of better quality or a higher environmental value, including bags and wallets. The firm awakens people to the fact that recklessly abandoned used banners are contaminating our environment, naturally leading them to act in a better way to solve the problem. Touch4Good's “Only one bag in the whole universe” and “More donations” - Unique Fashion: White-elephant advertisement boards have been transformed into decent bags and accessories. The moment you buy one, it is sold out. - Better Solution: En..
    사회적기업가 날개달아주기|2012-03-28 03:04 pm|추천


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